I've been thinking about negative people lately. I know some, and so do you. I don't like them, and neither do you. But why are they this way? Why does their negativity seem so instinctive?
The people that we are speaking of have not yet learned how to control their negativity bias, which is a natural, default way of thinking that we all must work diligently to overcome. So it is a scientific fact that, as a species, we are all negative thinkers. Therefore, becoming a positive (thinker) person must be an active choice. If we choose not to acknowledge this reality, it will be difficult to suppress the negativity bias that we are programmed with.

Negative emotions are processed first in the portion of the brain called the amygdala, which prompts us to actively seek out and respond to negativity (i.e. situations with potentially undesirable consequences); hence the negativity bias.

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