Sunday, July 16, 2017

The 1 Thing That All Great Companies Do

One of the things that became abundantly clear to me during my initial foray into organizational development was that companies don't spend enough time with new and existing employees discussing success - how it's defined, how it's measured, and what it looks like.

This is a critical connecting point that often gets missed. 

While many companies proudly display mission and vision statements on their websites and in their lobbies, they rarely engage employees in meaningful conversations about the success they envision for themselves, and the organizational success they are expected to help the company achieve. They assume the employees will connect the dots to how commitment to their mission and vision statements are integral to that success.

As a result, the employee is not afforded the opportunity to see the bigger picture, and their place within it, but instead is blinded by the copious smaller pictures comprised of daily tasks and routine transactions that are conducive to getting burned out, or worn down, which leads us to what all great companies do.

They empower people; not just employ them.

Great companies empower workers to do what they do best by allowing (and rewarding) them to spend the majority of their time utilizing their superpowers; which ensures that they feel successful in their roles, and within the organization. 

Most importantly, all great companies know that their bottom line is directly impacted by the contributions that come from motivated employees who have been empowered to make them.

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