Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Texting Versus Talking On The Phone

Have you noticed that more people are opting to communicate via text messaging these days?

I send text messages just like everyone else and I've found it to be as habit forming for adults, as it is for teens (who according to the latest stats from the Pew Research Center found that the average teen sends one text every 15 minutes they’re awake = 60 texts per day).

Adults (at least productive ones) don't have that type of time, but many still choose texting as a primary means of staying in touch. Sure it's quick, convenient, and easy, but real relationships require a real exchange of empathy and emotion that texting cannot deliver.

It's interesting how phone calls, once the primary method of communication, are now made on a "need-to-basis," or when it's blatantly obvious that a text is inappropriate. Even that line of thinking is flawed because what's inappropriate for one, may not be appropriate for another. Two examples would be ending a relationship, and expressing one's condolences.

But even in those scenarios, text messaging is common; inappropriate, but common.

If you want to build and sustain solid relationships, don't email, don't text; pick up your phone and call the people in your life, and your network, on occasion. Yes, it takes more time, but the benefits for both people are far superior to a mere exchange of information.

Phone calls provide us with the opportunity to experience another's personality and mood, and most importantly, feel connected. So if being connected is important to you, forego your compulsion to send a text, and embrace the power of phone conversations. You, and the person you call, will be glad you did.

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